Guide de voyage Ouest américain > Divers Usa > Partnership Travel Blog - Media Kit

Partnership Travel Blog - Media Kit

About me


Passionate about the American West since my first trip in 2003, I go back there as often as possible!

Want to collaborate with me ?

Do not hesitate to contact me (form at the bottom of the page).

Arizona Dream in a some words

I created in 2003. At first it was just a story of my journey. It has evolved and now offers more than 271 guides with thousands of points of interest to help you prepare for your western American roadtrip.

Arizona Dream is organized mainly around 3 themes :

Working with Arizona Dream

You are an advertiser and you wish to establish a partnership with our site? Here are some possibilities :

  • Inserting a link in an article (limited in time, no “lifetime” link)
  • Banner display
  • Affiliation
Please note that I value the moral commitment I have to my readers. In this context :
  • I keep control of the editorial content that I publish on my blog.
  • I only accept partnerships related to the travel or tourism sector and provided that they respect the editorial rules.

If all these conditions seem acceptable to you, then contact me (form at the bottom of the page).

Why work with Arizona Dream ?

The blog is a long-term one. Arizona Dream has been helping its readers to better prepare their trip to the American West for more than 22 years now !

I don't need this blog to live. I have a job. Moreover, as already said above, I am very attached to the moral commitment I have vis-à-vis my readers. This is why your brand will never find itself next to an advertisement for products that would tarnish your image.

They worked with Arizona Dream (and they are very happy !)

Auto escape Ava assurance Ebookers Hertz Oui SNCF Papillon hélicopters Skyscanner Supers billets Maverick hélicopter Comptoir des voyages Authentik Usa Usa en liberte Ceetiz Sixt

Professional contact form

Votre Attention SVP
We do not partner with sites offering ESTA
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