Alertes Valley Forge National Historical Park

7 alertes Valley Forge National Historical Park en temps réel du National Park Service.


The Covered Bridge at Yellow Springs and Rt 252 is Closed

There is a tree on the covered bridge at Yellow Springs and Rt 252. PennDOT is on sight repairing the bridge. The area will remain closed until the bridge repair is complete. Plus d'information

Valley Creek Trail from the Covered Bridge to Wolfinger Trail is Closed

Valley Creek Trail from the Covered Bridge to Wolfinger Trail is closed as PennDOT repairs damages on the bridge.

Maurice Stephens Parking Lot Closed During Construction Project

The parking lot near the Maurice Stephens house, located on Rt 23 opposite from the Washington Memorial Chapel, is closed during construction and renovation work on the house. Visitors are encouraged to park in the Chapel lot for Grand Parade trail access


Trail Maintenance Work on the River Trail on Fridays in July & August 2024

Maintenance work on the River Trail between Betzwood and River parking lot on Pawlings Rd taking place on consecutive Fridays during Jul and Aug, 2024. Trail to remain open to hikers, cyclists, and horseback riders. Trail users should use extra caution.

Dogs Prohibited on Grand Parade Trails from April 1 to September 15

The Grand Parade Trails are closed to dogs from April 1 to September 15 to protect breeding birds nesting in the meadows. Nesting songbirds see dogs as predators, which can stress the birds and lead to less productive or even failed nests.

County Line Road Closed Monday To Friday

County Line Road is closed during the week, from Monday through Friday. The closure will apply to all vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle traffic. Please find an alternate route.

AQUA Project to Install New Water Main Along Route 23

Aqua project to install a new water main along route 23 will replace an outdated main. No impact to visitors at HQ or accessing trails - there will be some detours near the road, but the area will still be passable. Please stay out of worksite.

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