Tribus | Etats |
Calaveras County Band of Miwuk Indians | Californie |
California Indian Council/Lulapin | Californie |
Callattakapa Choctaw Tribe | Californie |
Calusa-Seminole Nation | Californie |
Cane Break Band of Eastern Cherokees | Georgie |
Canoncito Band of Navajos | Nouveau Mexique |
Carolina Indian Heritage Association | Caroline du Sud |
Cataba Tribal Association | Oklahoma |
Cedar City Band of Paiutes | Utah |
Celilio-Wyam Indian Community | Oregon |
Central Band of Cherokee | Tennessee |
Central Tribal Council | Arkansas |
Chahta Tribe | Louisiane |
Chappaquiddic Band of Massachusetts | Massachusetts |
Cheroenhaka (Nottoway) Indian Tribe | Virginie |
Cherokee Bear Clan of Souoth Carolina | Caroline du Sud |
Cherokee Indians of Hoke County, Inc | Caroline du Nord |
Cherokee Indians of Robeson and Adjoining Counties | Caroline du Nord |
Cherokee Nation Heritage Organization of California | Californie |
Cherokee Nation of Alabama | Alabama |
Cherokee Nation of New Jersey | New Jersey |
Cherokee Nation West of Missouri & Arkansas | Missouri |
Cherokee Nation West of Missouri and Arkansas | Arkansas |
Cherokee River Indian Community | Alabama |
Cherokee-Choctaw Nation of St. Francis & Black Rivers | Arkansas |
Cherokees of Southeast Alabama | Alabama |
Chetco Tribe | Oregon |
Chickamauga Cherokee Band of Northwest Georgia | Georgie |
Chickamauga Cherokee Nation | Missouri |
Chickamauga Cherokee Nation MO/AR White River Band | Oklahoma |
Chickamauga Cherokee Nation MO/AR White River Band | Missouri |
Chickamauga Cherokee Nation White River Band | Oklahoma |
Chickamauga Circle Free Cherokee | Tennessee |
Chickamauga Keetoowah Unami Wolf Band of Cherokee Delaware Shawnee of Ohio, West Virginia & Virginia | Ohio |
Chicora Indian Tribe of South Carolina | Caroline du Sud |
Chicora-Siouan Indian People | Caroline du Nord |
Chikamaka-Cherokees | Tennessee |
Chilkoot Kaagwaantaan Clan | Alaska |
Chilula Tribe | Californie |
Chinook Indian Tribe of Oregon & Washington, Inc | Oregon |
Chinook Indian Tribe of Oregon & Washington, Inc. | Washington |
Choctaw Allen Tribe | Californie |
Choctaw Nation Mississippi River Clan | Mississippi |
Choctaws of Florida | Floride |
Choinumni Council | Californie |
Christian Pembina Chippewa Indians | Dakota du Nord |
Chukchansi Yokotch Tribe | Californie |
Chukchansi Yokotch Tribe of Mariposa | Californie |
Chumash Council of Bakersfield | Californie |
Clatsop-Nehalem Confederated Tribes | Oregon |
Coastal Band of Chumash | Californie |
Coastal Gabrieleno Diegueno Band of Mission Indians | Californie |
Coastanoan Band of Carmel Mission Indians | Californie |
Colfax Todds Valley Consolidated Tribes | Californie |
Comanche Penateka Tribe | Texas |
Confederated Tribes: Rogue, Table Rock & Associated Tribes | Oregon |
Confederation of Aboriginal Nations | Californie |
Consolidated Bahwetig Ojibwas and Mackinac Tribe | Michigan |
Coree Indians (aka Faircloth Indians) | Caroline du Nord |
Costanoan Rumsen Carmel Tribe | Californie |
Costanoan Tribe of Santa Cruz and San Juan Bautista Missions | Californie |
Costoanoan Ohlone Rumsen-Mutsen Tribe | Californie |
Council for the Benefit of the Colorado Winnebagoes | Colorado |
Cowasuck Band-Abenaki People | Massachusetts |
Coweta Creek Tribe | Alabama |
Creek Indians of Texas at Red Oak | Texas |
Creek-Euchee Band of Indians of Florida | Floride |
Creeks East of the Mississippi | Floride |
Croatan Indian Tribe of South Carolina | Caroline du Sud |
Cumberland County Association for Indian People | Caroline du Nord |
Cumberland Creek Indian Confederation | Tennessee |
Eagle Bear Band of Free Cherokees | Alabama |
Principal Creek Indian Nation East of the Mississippi | Alabama |
The Chickamauga Notowega Creeks | New York |
The Chicora-Waccamaw Indian People | Caroline du Sud |
The Chiricahua Tribe of California | Californie |
The Langley Band of the Chickamogee Cherokee Indians of the Southeastern United States | Alabama |
Wolf Creek Cherokee Tribe, Inc. of Florida | Alabama |
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