Tribus | Etats |
Mackinac Bands of Chippewa and Ottawa Indians | Michigan |
Maconce Village Band of Ojibwa | Michigan |
Maidu Nation | Californie |
Maliseet Tribe | Maine |
Manahoac Saponi Nation | Georgie |
Maple River Band of Ottawa | Michigan |
Marietta Band of Nooksacks | Washington |
Marlboro & Chesterfield Pee Dee Band | Caroline du Sud |
Meherrin Indian Tribe | Caroline du Nord |
Mekoce Shawnee | Ohio |
Melochundum Band of Tolowa Indians | Californie |
Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Community | Minnesota |
Metis Nation of North Dakota | Dakota du Nord |
Metrolina Native American Association | Caroline du Nord |
Miami Nation of Indians of the State of Indiana, Inc | Indiana |
Midlands Intertribal Empowerment Group | Caroline du Sud |
Mishkanaka | Californie |
Missisiquoi Council Abenaki Nation | Vermont |
Mitchell Bay Band | Washington |
Miwok Tribe | Californie |
Mohawk Nation Akwesasne Mohawk Territory | New York |
Mohawk Reservation | New York |
Monachi Indian Tribe | Californie |
Monican Indian Nation | Virginie-Occidentale |
Mono Lake Indian Community | Californie |
Montauk Indian Nation (aka Montaukett Indian Nation of New York) | New York |
Montaukett Tribe of Long Island | New York |
Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc (Fédération) | Maryland |
Morning Star Shawnee Nation | Ohio |
Muhheconnuck and Munsee Tribes | Wisconsin |
Munsee Thames River Delaware | Colorado |
Muscogee Nation of Florida | Floride |
Muskegon River Band of Ottawa Indians | Michigan |
Muwekma Ohlone Tribe | Californie |
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