Tribus | Etats |
Sac River and White River Bands of the Chickamauga-Cherokee Nation of Arkansas and Missouri Inc | Missouri |
Saint Francis/Sokoki Band of Abenakis of Vermont Abenaki Tribal Council | Vermont |
Sainte Croix Chippewa of Minnesota | Minnesota |
Salinan Nation (aka Salinan Chumash Nation) | Californie |
Salinan Tribe of Monterey & San Luis Obispo Counties | Californie |
San Cayetano Band of Cahuilla Indians or the Montoya Band of Cahuilla Indians | Californie |
San Fernando Band of Mission Indians | Californie |
San Luis Rey Band of Mission Indian | Californie |
Sand Hill Band of Indians (aka Sand Hill Band of Lenape and Cherokee Indians) | New Jersey |
Sandy Lake Band of Mississippi Chippewa | Minnesota |
Santee Indian Nation. | Caroline du Sud |
Santee Tribe | Caroline du Nord |
Santee Tribe, White Oak Community | Caroline du Nord |
Saponi Nation of Missouri (Mahenips Band) | Missouri |
Saponi Nation of Ohio | Ohio |
Seaconke Wampanoag Tribe | Rhode Island |
Seminole Nation of Florid | Floride |
Shasta Nation | Californie |
Shawnee Cherokee Tribe of Oklahoma | Oklahoma |
Shawnee Nation, Ohio Blue Creek Band of Adams County | Ohio |
She-Bel-Na Band of Mendocino Coast Pomo Indians | Californie |
Sierra Foothill Wuksachi Yokuts Tribe | Californie |
Snake and Knife Rivers Band of the St. Croix Chippewa of Minnesota | Minnesota |
Snohomish Tribe of Indians | Washington |
Snoqualmoo Tribe of Whidbey Island | Washington |
South-Eastern Indian Nation | Georgie |
Southeastern Cherokee Confederacy, Inc | Georgie |
Southeastern Cherokee Council | Georgie |
Southern Cherokee Indian Tribe | Missouri |
Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentucky | Kentucky |
Southern Sierra Miwuk Nation | Californie |
Steilacoom Tribe | Washington |
Summerville Indian Group | Caroline du Nord |
Summerville Indian Group | Caroline du Sud |
Sumter Band of Cheraw Indians | Caroline du Sud |
Swan Creek & Black River Chippewa | Montana |
Swan Creek & Black River Chippewas | Kansas |
Swan Creek Black River Confederated Ojibwa Tribes | Michigan |
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